The Problem
Foot traffic had slowed in Downtown Durham. Restaurants sought to boost business and gain publicity.
The Process
I spearheaded a cooperative marketing campaign to join our platforms and encourage diners to move from one location to another in Downtown, taking advantage of the neighborhood’s walkability.
By seeking institutional help from Downtown Durham Inc. and Discover Durham, we were able to create a website, social media campaign, and applicable graphics with virtually no cash output.
The Small Plates Crawl was driven by Downtown Durham Businesses harnessing their online marketing power together.
Participating businesses would tag each other in social media posts and use #smallplatesdowntowndurham
The Response
The Small Plates Crawl encouraged customers to dine in downtown Durham on a slower weeknight, generating revenue for businesses and boosting foot traffic as they moved from one spot to another.
The campaign garnered significant local press coverage in print and television.
15 Businesses Participated Weekly
283 Cross-marketing Posts on Instagram
100,000 People Reached Each Week Through Social Media
2,000,000 People in the Audience from Press Coverage
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